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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Saturday, January 27, 2007

this was a gift i considered myself having before...
i never quite understood why i liked being quiet and silence in general
and now that i have been talking more than usual and sometime actually looking forward to the noise..sometimes doing really stupid things
i suddenly remembered exactly why i stopped liking casual conversation/surprises and or the usual talking with people...

stupid, stupid me...i never really do learn, do i?

well dont get me wrong... im actually okay with talking with people, and sometimes its really quite enjoyable. (depending who you are with) but right now i am enjoying the quiet and peaceful sound of a house at 4:42 in the morning...

7:27 am

just wanted to thank a person though this is really not a appropriate... you actually made me really happy this morning...haha like you actually would miss me if i wasnt there...that my presence would make a difference... thank you so much.... like i said before..some conversations i quite enjoy :) you cant imagine how much your simple gesture made me happy :P... though you actually might be able to...haha thats all... you know who you are(i hope).. i dont have to say your name right? ^_^

marie on 3:39 AM