Monday, February 12, 2007
late at night when no one one one cares (everyone just wants to sleep :P hehe) some people like me stay up and burn the midnight oil so the day seems less painful and we simply drift about all day.on one of those occasions i came upon a site called above the influence and i actually found it funny that i came there at that time. haha. it was sort of interesting in a way.... well thats all ive got to say really its a stressful week day and i just hate being the leader and i am so great full to those who work hard in the group you dont know how happy you made me. heck i dont even know hahaha....
oh yeah a night ago i did something really stupid which led me to erase the entries part of my blog... my way of sort of staying on hiatus. i asked angel if she was angry and she really seemed pissed of that i did ask it... well i felt really bad for some strange reason. and i shut down my site. haha but today you know what happened... she acted so different. she paid more attention to me and she hugged me and i dont know she hasnt done that lately and now i dont know what to think. i hoped though its not just a today thing....its hard not to get used to those things and get addicted...
Oh yeah they put out the list of people who would be the teahcers for valentines and ive always wanted to be one of them but i never am. i guess im not good enough but oh well :P hayyy theres always *hopefully next year :)