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Friday, October 20, 2006

after a spell of sadness, disapointments and loneliness, finally i am, in lamens terms, happy. and dull as my reasons may be for being sad, so much the duller are the reason for my happiness. But still I am enjoying this time to the fullest becuase i know it will soon come to and end, as usual.

happy moments come rarely now a days but when they do it all becomes worth it. the good things that happened? well it actually started getting better when we met kokaon sat October 14 2006. who is koka you ask, or as i like to call her kokie/ kokoa. she is sarah's dog. she was so cute and playful (...i really like animals and children). then also because i was amazed that rosalyn said at one point i looked sad. i didn't think i did but i guess i couldn't hide it. shit that i should take up acting lessons. then angel comforted me so that was nice but i couldn't explain why becuase the moment i dicided to share they (our other classies) said we should clean up. funny thing when ever i plan to share to her that always happens, that we have to go somewhere else or that there's no time. i guess when God gives you a sign you should listen. then we bought pizza. yummy... =P~

(first soriee)
then we went to a soriee with 3B (ateneo). where the guys, well most, spoke straight english. every one of my classmates said "nosebleed" and that, not suprisingly, was a new term for me. I guess it means trying to speak english to another english speaking person. and honestly i didn't feel the same. but i guess i understand the way they feel. tagalog comes as difficult to me as english does to them. i dont usualy get to relate to people in the same way, though in someways i still do. anyway to the soriee, we had the ice melter and i was happy i met nic first because, well, we bashed filipino which i never get to do with my friends. my friends always end up giving me the annoyed look which usualy roughly translates to 'nakakasar yung matalino nag rereklamo pero ang talino naman'. -__- it's kind of hard sometimes not being able to complain about the things you want to especialy when they don't want to listen. we talked about kids which is another thing i like. the next guy was jots and we had so much in common it was uncanny. i dont want to enumirate because it might look like we're insane. the next guy kind of annoyed me. yes he was too active and im fine with that but to me he came out as trying to hard and a kiss-up which is something i dont really like. Ironicaly though this was the guy who asked for my ym...-__- why do i attract only the strange ones and never the ones i like? we played truth or dare sometime later and well it was funny but i didn't get to do anything so that was kind of sad but i dont mind it was funny none the less. then i left because my ass of a brother came 30 mins earlier than i expected. oh yeah there was this guy i didn't meet his name was "patrick na mestizo" acording to ishia. Every one who met him seems to like him. and here again i can not relate -__- . want to meet him though he seems to get alot of great reviews from my classmates.

then on wensday we had PE!!!!! on of the greatest things yet so far. it was such a relief to do something right for a change. It was also fun to play with my friends and excersise. i wish i didn't skip the last minute of our last game but what can you do. we probably wouldn't have won anyway even if i played :P but it was so fun and one of the best parts was when i was someone fouled me. i had to do two free throws.(we we're 0-2) then with God grace (me saying a little prayer) and my classmates suport (as angel said she was sending me good energy if i remember correctly) I SHOT 2 FREE THROWS...2...hahaha i've never done that before. not only was i able to do two but also in a row and also in a game where it actually counted. Im glad i was able to help my team :D there a really great team. even if we only won once againts the champions and mind that we where the only ones they lost to. so that made the win even sweeter. I like sweet victories. anyway.

we had the chem test and algeb test which i didn't study for, yes crap. oh well come faith into the list and champion me... joke...that was really corny, like sweet corn T_T hahaha.

then we had the geom test the next day and well that was something i studied for around 20-30 mins then i fell a sleep. then got my algeb and chem test results algeb 100 man got two perfect scores and still not exepted screw her -__-. then for chem got 97/98 weee im loving it hehe. that made me happy. that day i also went on ym and talked to some of my friends and well that was nice, only, i left at 10:30 and went up to study then as i closed my eyes i opend to find the sun was up. great hu?

well today was great though i would exclude the tests though they did give us some rest and much needed sleep. after the we had lab and after a big sermon which honestly we SLIGHTLY deserved there was actually a fun game and laughter. ate kay and richels' group won. YAY for them they get plus points ^_^ (shes not that bad when you think about it just over dramatic sometimes...we did take really long to get there, honestly) then after that WE FINISHED THE NEWSPAPER...well they did mostly..i tried to help but honestly when i tired i just screws it up so think that was for that best that i didn't cut too much. I did my part though...just not alot more.

THEN pum pum pum pu~um WE HAD SWIMMING TRY-OUTS it was really fun ^_^ i love swimming so much. especially with friends. richel, qaeron, ishia and me went to the swimming place and I was sooo excited and had butterflies. I wasn't sure if i should try out becuase there are so many greats out there but im glad i did ^_^ we had streching first and the sad part was the I couldnt do it properly because I forgot to bring slippers so you can imagine my scorching feet and my underpits where not really a sight. *_* (TMI I know, sorry) then we went swimming weee... free style 50 and any-you-want 50. then we had tryouts... ^_^ that was sooo intimidating. there where so many really good swimmers and that not including looking to the right to the 4th years. ( denise my bussmate is really good, you should see her) some wern't able to finish but im glad some still tried :D i really want to see them swim in the intrums. I wont mention names becuase they might not like it. and when i swam i had time of 53.98/89 not sure seconds weeee aha i was happy :P hehe then we had another breast 50 aslo and sadly i finished but was disqualified because i didn't touch the legde with my two hands at the same time (-__- screw that rule) well my time would have been 1 min and 12 secs. haha that preety good right? well that was fun and as usual me and qaeron did the diving thing over and over again because diving is fun :P. hehe well we learned a new dive from one of the great swimmers well it kind of hurt but it made your glide long. so that was nice. haha then we went to our classrooms after talking a bath. me and richel hung out for awhile then sat beside angel for a while then went home...hayyy

and now im eating sweet corn and typing these words... fun no? well i liked it. :P my hair feels amazingly nice too, what ever shampoo qaeron has really makes your hair feel SOOO good i want it @_@ hahaha :)) im an adict. or mabey it just blend nice with the chlorine. ahhaha i dont care my hair feels nice and everything doesn't suck (just some) so life is good so far

this is my my current status haha just for kicks :P

"I learned what a friend was when you held me as i cried, I learned what love was when all i wanted was for you to be happy, I learned what hurt was when you left my heart untouched"

see haha happy now... sorry bout those almost depressed entries before this. hahaha i over react sometimes. hope you have a nice day/night/afternon

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marie on 5:21 PM