Saturday, November 11, 2006
well beyond brain damage
We had the math camp yesterday and it wasn't all that fun...well it was at some points... but really? i felt stupider than i have in a while. i mean this just proved how little i knew about math. and that really not alot. ugh... hmm during the games miss opin. was one of the only teachers where i enjoyed...we sort of it was too short to actually tell. but it was okay. then well being with my friends was fun i guess... sorry feeling stupid really doesn't put me in a good mood. e didn't win but that really wasn't the goal... we missed cheche :( she was sick...see we missed her...

then me and sarah had the ip meeting. it was more of a sucking out my brain and leaving confusious behind reather than the im being filled with knowledge..feeling . great. it wasnt really that progresive coz at the meeting we realized that we needed to research alot and alot of things where missing so that wasn't all that great...but atleast something happened... yeah well it time to do things now rather than later...
oh yeah koka was there and she was sooo cute though she had a problem that wasnt really that big of a deal... haha she slept in the room and was very active...haha i remember one of my lines to her. oo nga pala sarap ng pagkain sa bahay ni sarah. =P~
we had the parish thing yesterday and it was like shit waiting in the toilet bowl to be flushed. nothing happened and we wasted all that time staring into the sky..i have exactly two other parishers...weee...we were all very silent...
many people cant take this...many can as well... just becuase you cant doesn't mean your insecure...just becuase you can doesn't mean it either... but sometimes it does...i dont really get the point of what im saying... anyway thats about it...theres nothing really to say... just bored sleepy tired sad and simply not in the know the feeling of just stepping away and wishing no one would notice..thats how i feel right now...hay...just another one of thoes not even sure whats worse...feeling this way...or being used to this feeling...
bye :)