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Sunday, February 18, 2007
blabbing for no point.....

my mom is home and all i can say is its exactly the same. is that sad or not? im not sure anymore. today i talked to my dad as well. and as we were talking i found myself looking down. im not sure why. i just did... thinking about what he was saying... i couldnt look at him. it seem that i find it hard to look at people in the eye.... hahaha.... we were talking about some stuf and well i found i thought him to be some what of what he was saying... and that he couldnt see the connection as well. i dont really get what im trying to say here... im not saying as well that i get my family... but i dont know... right now with every thing happening (school, life, friends, family) i just dont know.

marie on 8:25 PM