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Friday, March 30, 2007
1st summer entry

its really early in the morning and unlike the past days im awake. this summer is turning out to be like all of my summers. im not really doing anything. not really making the most of things. i guess some would say their resting their brain or that their letting their brains turn to mush but, see, i practically didn't use my brain, only to the bare minimum, so here i am just eager to do something and thats the time theres nothing to do.

so far

ive read 3 books already i think and i dont even have to worry about the reading program our school does (i've read the two books for that). im enrolled in the summer classes but i still have to call for confirmation that im with their group. the chem camp got canceled...well canceled for the AA students anyway (im not really sure if julie got in or not...i'd have to ask her for that information). I honestly didnt fight hard for it anyway when i found out AA gave our names super late... i figured before that i didnt deserve it... but dont get me wrong i was excited to know i got in... but when i heard that they wouldn't be accepting anymore i felt relief... maybe i was just scared of being alone (a stupid reason i know), so i didnt fight...

its like the first day of school when you dont know your class and you dont know whats going to happen, coming to school with just a general idea...your afraid, frightened... yet you go to school and get a chance to meet new people, learn new things... this thing was like that for me but instead after waking up the buss breaks down and my dad asks me if i wanted him to take me...i say no, never mind... thats how it was like...the same emotions...the same fears....the same will

im over it anyway...i think

so ive done something in adobe wohooo its something other then reading... so thats okay i guess... i made a picture and a how to draw clip :)) so this is why im still awake
the picture is in my deviant art :) and this is the how to its not as nice because i had to crop the pic so some of the colors were lost...oh well...hope you dont fall asleep watching it :)

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so i guess this is my first summer entry.
im just waiting for my friend to give me the grey's anatomy cds. im also eager to go out :) anyone? :)) im an eager bever so just invite. and well im... nothing really...summers fun :) i gues and im just glad i get to rest...

marie on 2:21 AM