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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Saturday, February 24, 2007

WARNING!!!! posts after this might seem like too much information or unrealistically sad/insane. so lets talk about something nice before you read all the nonsensical things i have to say.

I am reading what seems to be a pretty good book :) and me being the no sense person i am made a book mark so i can properly mark the book.the book is called "Sophie's World" and by prior warning from the person who i borrowed it from (thanks sibyl :D) i am officially using the book mark i made at 10 pm today *yay* :)) haha okay thats something good in my life :D also that i am drinking coke. *whohoooo* i know its bad but screw you (for now) :P i know your right... sometimes it takes more than that to stop a person so here i am at 3:20 in the morning drinking coke and playing at addictinggame thank God they have games not needing flash :)) oh well took idiot test..was a nerd at my third try...tried several times more if i could get any higher :)) turns out thats all there is oh well :P

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marie on 3:21 AM