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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
choppy chips of brain

we all have our moments dont we? when we can barely breath, when things just aren't going right. but then, sometimes, we remember all the other people who have it harder than you, who aren't even complaining. how then are you supposed to talk about it? how then are you to let it out when in truth you should be listening to others and trying to help them. when can you be considered the victim?

nothing that bad has happened to me so i've never actually thought i've deserved to complain about anything. so this is just an entry of whats been happening in my life. basically i've been using this blog as a transporter for my assignments to the CAI room since our printer has yet to be fixed. all those entries have been deleted. i also finally have a harrypotter book the 7th one and im sinfully reading it instead of studying. our ates have also won money at the bingo place. around 150,000 + i think. they halved it with my mom coz that was her ticket and she gave us 1,000 each. i guess those are the things that have happened recently that wont lead me to ramble about stuff i shouldnt.

amazingly in the past i would have been so ready to share to this blog every little detail of my mind and what im thinking/feeling or any other crap i can pull out of my ass but now things seem different. its as if my body is reluctant to give off any information. its quite strange.

one thing thought. theres something bugging my brother. he seems more agitated then before and his temper is shorter (if ever that was even possible). its like he went back to that teenager boy i once new. its quite disturbing really. i was so proud of him finally deciding to growing up and there he goes changing again.

every one else in the family is fine. we finally have dsl so now my sister has taken the habit of calling her friends and destroying our eardrums in the process. its really a joy i promise. sooner or later i wont have to go to school because i wont be able to balance myself anymore.

im sorry the story telling is choppy. i guess my brain is just like that sometimes.
its a strange feeling...things not coming out right...

marie on 12:15 AM